Photography By Venetia

I am Venetia, pronounced like Venetian blinds without the "n" or the "blinds." I am the owner and photographer for Photography by Venetia. When I am not out taking Photographs I am likely spending time working in my gardens, hanging out with my teenage daughter, or spoiling my pets.
Based in Indianapolis, Indiana I was born in the Washington DC area and moved to Indianapolis at the age of 3. As a child of divorce I spent most of my childhood going back and forth between the two.
Did I mention I'm into gardening? My love for photography started when helping my Grandmother in her gardens. I wasn't allowed to cut her flowers and instead was told to take photos as they would last forever. Soon I was photographing not only her beautiful flowers, but bugs, butterflies and anything else I could find.
I enjoy being creative and telling a story with pictures. I have the ability to get subjects to act natural in front of the camera, to help children not look so "twitchy" and animals to relax.
Please enjoy my photos and contact me with any questions or to schedule a Photo Session.
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
-Aaron Siskind-


Venetia's Vision, a Spirit Lead Intuitive Personalized Psychic Mediumship Consultation